Ah yes. The bed. The place where the magic takes place. Magic being neend, of course. Wink, wink. Everything aside, positions are a big deal. And we all have that ONE position we like in bed. You know exactly what I’m talking about (don’t you dare roll your eyes). Let’s dive into the more common ones:
1. Fetal
The “I want to feel like I’m in my mom’s uterus” position and a fan favorite.

2. Starfish
The worst kinds of sleepers and the ones that will never admit to taking up the entire bed.

3. Soldier
This soul doesn’t want to harm anyone, they just stay in one place facing up and don’t move.

4. Log
I mean “stiff as a log” pretty much explains this position.

5. Horseback rider
This person’s imagination runs wild during the darkest of hours and their trusty pillow becomes a mode of transportation, a horse.

6. Hugger
Super handsy with the pillows at night, if you know what I mean…

7. Butt in the air
Believe it or not, adults do this too, just ask my sister.

8. Cuddler
They will wrap you with their hands, feet, legs, or just about anything that they can get around you.

9. Swimmer
Always ready to take a dive into the pool.

10. Leave me alone, you stink
Once a loner, always a loner.

11. Actual hugger
Unlike the first hugger position, this one involves another human being.

12. The uh…honestly I don’t even know
Ummm?? But okay.

13. Yogi
Who says you can’t do yoga while you sleep?

Toh…that was the list. Aap jo samjhe, galat samjhe. Anyhoo, let me know what your favorite position is.